Andy Willis
Andy became Chair of the Trust in March 2020 and, until May 2023, was also Chair of Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust. As well as leading our Board, Andy sees his role as supporting partnership working between acute, social care, mental health/learning disability and other services in Devon and the South West, so we can collectively make a real impact on the health and wellbeing of our population. Andy is also the Chair of Alliance Homes, a social housing provider in North Somerset.
Phill Mantay
Phill became Chief Executive in August 2024. Before this he was Acting Chief Executive since October 2023 and has over eight years of experience in Board level positions, previously the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer for the Trust. Phill has worked in the South West since 2001, has a professional background in finance and has held portfolios across transformation, finance, strategy, business development, estates and digital.
Phill has extensive experience leading successfully in complex healthcare provider organisations and within diverse systems. He has a wide skill base in transformation and change management, partnership working, digital services, organisational development and finance. Phill is professionally registered with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Ian Turner
Ian Turner is a Chartered Accountant and retired as a partner from the Accounting and Professional Services firm, KPMG in 2003. He has since worked in a number of organisations in a Non-executive Director, Executive, Trustee and advisory capacity.
Between 2007 and 2017 he was a Non-executive Director at Weston Area Health NHS Trust, where he spent time as Chair of the Audit Committee and as Vice Chair.
He is currently Deputy Chief Executive and Finance Director of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) which represents Finance Professionals within the NHS. He is also a Trustee and Chair of Audit and Finance of RICE, a Charity researching into the Care of the Elderly and the Healthcare Supply Association (HCSA), a membership organisation for procurement professionals in the NHS.
Tanya Barron
Tanya has senior experience in many fields, notably the care, disability and international development sectors. She is a former Chief Executive of Home-Start International and Plan International UK, and was International Director of Leonard Cheshire Disability. Tanya was Chair of the UNICEF NGO Committee in Geneva for seven years and her current non-executive roles include Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, the Education Development Trust and the chair of Affinity Trust.
Simon Hamilton
Simon became a Non-executive Director in September 2022. He brings skills and experience in strategy, transformation and technology from a career in financial services, most recently at Nationwide Building Society. Simon is also a Non-executive Director of the Money and Pensions Service, a public body helping people to improve their financial wellbeing, and a Governor at the Arts University Bournemouth.
Miriam Maddison
Miriam joined in July 2023 and is a joint appointment with Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, as our two organisations strive to work more closely together to plan and deliver services. She has extensive experience of working in the NHS and local government within the south west, including roles in public health, primary care commissioning and as a Director of Adult Social Services. She has also been Chair of SHAL Housing in Somerset. Since 2012, Miriam has been a company director, providing consultancy support to adult social care services. She is passionate about care quality and reducing inequalities in health. Miriam is a family carer and draws on that experience to try and see health and care services from the perspective of the patient and the public.
Dr Venura Perera
Venura joined the Trust in November 2023 as an Honorary Non-Executive Director; hosted as part of the GatenbySanderson Insight Programme. This programme has been developed to give prospective Non-Executive Directors from under-represented groups first-hand experience of how Boards in the public and not-for-profit sectors work.
Venura is currently Director of Innovation and Development at Allianz UK Personal Lines. He has worked in research, software engineering, data science and business intelligence and is passionate about the benefits that can be delivered through technological innovation. Venura is a passionate advocate for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and encouraging organisational cultures that promote diversity.
Dr Fintan Larkin
Fintan joined our team in December 2022 from West London NHS Trust, where he was Clinical Director for Acute Mental Health Services. He trained in Forensic Psychiatry at the Maudsley and Bethlem Hospitals, before starting his consultant career at Broadmoor Hospital. Fintan has a broad portfolio of clinical and leadership experience, having clinically worked or trained in all the psychiatric sub-specialities, as well as being active in research, medical training and delivering a range of clinical leadership roles.
Chris Burford
Chris first joined the Trust in 2002 as locality operations manager for Teignbridge, moving on to other Trust operational roles in Exeter in 2007 before becoming managing partner for the newly formed Adult Directorate in 2010. In 2016 he was appointed Deputy Director of Nursing and Interim Director of Nursing and Practice in April 2019.
Chris has held a number of senior operational and nursing roles throughout his 37 year NHS career in London and the South West, originally trained as a general nurse in Cheltenham and later mental health nurse in London.
Chris' special interests include learning from people's experiences of our mental health services and engaging people, families and staff in everything that we do.
He is a qualified management coach and has a keen interest in staff leadership and development programmes. He is a specialist mental health advisor to Care Quality Commission.
Liz Perry
Liz joined the organisation in September 2022 from North Bristol NHS Trust where she was Director of People for six years. She is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and has worked in the NHS across the South of England for over 20 years, across acute, SHA/NHS England and community and mental health settings.
Liz is a qualified workplace mediator and an experienced facilitator in the NHS Leadership Academy Healthcare leadership model 360 degree feedback tool. She has a particular interest in workplace culture and behaviours and the impact of these on the success and wellbeing of organisations and their people.
Aideen Tucker
Aideen Tucker joined the organisation in January 2009 as Deputy Director of Finance, moving into the role of Director of Operational Finance in August 2021 and then the Acting Chief Finance Officer from November 2023. Prior to 2009 Aideen spent 7 years working with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation following relocation from London where she worked as Treasury Manager for the Genesis Housing Group. Aideen holds a portfolio for finance, procurement and health care contracting in her substantive role, in addition she holds the portfolio for estates in her substantive role.
Taps Mutakati
Taps joins us from NHS Kent and Medway, where he held the role Director of Mental Health System Collaboration where he was responsible for the operational planning and commissioning of mental health services in that system. He was previously Deputy Chief Operating Officer at Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust and, prior to that, a Locality Director in the private sector. He has held several strategic senior management roles in the private and independent care sectors and he brings experience of strategic and operational leadership in areas outside mental health – including out-of-hours services, NHS 111, healthcare consultancy (accreditation and data benchmarking), primary and secondary care and holds an MBA from Warwick Business School.
Taps is passionate about process improvement and the use of data and technology to enhance patient care. He firmly believes that great services are delivered through people and working in partnership.
Laura Hobbs
Laura first joined the organisation in 2008 as a project manager in Human Resources, before undertaking the Associate Director of Organisational Development post for a year. In 2010, Laura became the Trust CQC Inspection Lead and held this post for 7 years, until she was appointed the Head of CQC Compliance and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, taking a strategic leadership role in both regulatory compliance and equality.
Laura was appointed as Director of Corporate Affairs in February 2020.
Laura has many years experience working across the Devon healthcare system joining the Devon Workforce Development Confederation in 2002, subsequently working in a variety of primary care, acute Trust and mental health / learning disability Trust roles across service planning, service improvement, workforce development, organisational development, project management, compliance and equality. Laura has significant healthcare experience in transformational change, engagement and involvement, policy development, quality and safety, compliance and regulation, governance and inclusion.
Dr Sonja Manton
Sonja joined the organisation in November 2022 as Director of Strategy and Partnerships. She has built a wide portfolio of expertise and experience in health and care for more than 20 years in Devon. She has held executive and senior leadership roles delivering strategic change in integrated community health and social care, commissioning, acute and mental health, learning disabilities and neurodiversity across the county. With a PhD in system dynamics, she has a particular interest in working across organisational boundaries and with communities and lived expertise, to shape better outcomes for people.
Dr Colm Owens
Colm trained in medicine in Liverpool before moving to London to train in psychiatry. He qualified as a consultant in 2009 and has worked in Liaison Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry and General Adult Psychiatry.
He has worked at Devon Partnership NHS Trust since 2011. He was Clinical Director of Older People’s Services between 2012 and 2019 where he was involved in setting up the Devon Memory Service and the Bristol Dementia Wellbeing Service. He took up the post of Deputy Medical Director. He has chaired the Trust’s Clinical Advisory Group since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Colm holds an honorary senior clinical lecturer post with the University of Exeter and has published research in elder abuse and carer stress in dementia. His interests include population health and epidemiology of mental illness. He was recently appointed to clinically lead the Devon ICS Provider Collaborative.
Dr Jason Fee
Jason is the Medical Director for South West Provider Collaborative. Our South West Provider Collaborative is accountable to NHS England and NHS Improvement for the delegated commissioning of specialised Adult Secure Services, Adult Eating Disorder Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Tier 4 Services. Our Collaborative also facilitates collaborative working across its Provider Partner members where it is considered beneficial at-scale. Jason is leading the re-design of clinical care pathways and service provision across the South West, in order to ensure that individuals in need of these services receive timely high quality care as close to home as possible.
Jason is an experienced Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist having worked in the NHS for over 25 years. He has over eight years’ experience as an NHS Clinical Director and has worked within healthcare settings both internationally and within the NHS over the course of his career.
Jason also holds a NHS England national independent clinical advisor role to National Oversight Group for High Secure Commissioning.
Anne Forbes
Anne is the Programme Director for South West Provider Collaborative and is responsible for directing the transformation programme. Our Collaborative is accountable to NHS England and NHS Improvement for the delegated commissioning of specialised Adult Secure Services, Adult Eating Disorder Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Tier 4 Services. Our Collaborative also facilitates collaborative working across its Provider Partner members where it is considered beneficial at-scale.
Anne has a background in finance, governance and business intelligence and has held various roles as part of executive and senior teams for over 25 years, within the NHS and commercial sector.
Jacquie Mowbray-Gould
Jacquie Mowbray-Gould re-joined Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPT) in March 2022 as the Programme Director for the Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Provider Collaborative. Jacquie trained as a Mental Health Nurse in the North East, moving to London for 20 years and then on to Devon in 2011. During that time she worked in mental health across both the NHS and in local authorities as a clinician and latterly as an operational leader. Leaving DPT in 2017, Jacquie moved to Kent and Medway NHS Trust to take up the post of Chief Operating Officer – living in Devon and commuting to Kent. When the opportunity arose to work in Devon again, leading the development of the Provider Collaborative with Dr Colm Owens, she jumped at the chance. Throughout her career, Jacquie has been absolutely committed to the fundamental principles of coming to work to make a difference, making a positive impact for people with mental health, learning disability and neurodiversity needs and supporting our staff to provide the best possible care for the communities we serve.