Want to start your own research project?

As well as supporting established commercial and non-commercial studies, we are keen to support and encourage new researchers and new research projects.

The information and links below are starting points for new research projects. They have information about the application process for a new research study. They will also help you to decide about which type of contract you may need to apply for in order to complete your research.

How to start or design a research project

The Research Design Service (RDS) South West is part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). It has been set up to provide assistance to people who are preparing research proposals for submission to open, national, peer-reviewed funding competitions for applied health or social care research. The advice and information provided is free of charge.

Is my project research? Look at the HRA decision tool to help you decide whether or not your study is research as defined by the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care research. Is my study research?

The Health Research Authority (NHS) provides more information about starting applications and each stage of the process. View a useful flowchart to take you through the application process.

Research governance

The Research Governance Framework outlines principles of good practice governance that apply to all research within the remit of the Secretary of State for Health. Research governance is one of the core standards for health care organisations. Fro more information you can view The Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care (NHS 2005).

Good clinical practice training

Everyone involved in the conduct of clinical research must have training to ensure they are best prepared to carry out their duties. The training should also be kept up to date. Our Trust has an expectation that all researchers update their training every two years.

Discover further information about the training which is available and also includes information on how to register.

Applying for a Research Passport

A research passport is the mechanism for non-NHS staff to obtain an Honorary Research Contract or Letter of Access when they propose to carry out research in the NHS.

If you want to enquire about a research passport within DPT please contact: dpn-tr.research@nhs.net

Other useful links:


