Safe nursing staff levels on our wards

We regularly publish information about nursing staff levels on our wards, including the percentage of shifts meeting their agreed staffing levels. This initiative is part of the NHS response to the Francis report which called for greater openness and transparency in the health service.

We have robust systems in place to ensure that our wards are staffed safely, for people to receive high quality care and treatment. 

Our nursing staff levels were agreed by our Board in January 2014 and are reviewed every six months. Senior nurses may increase these planned levels as complexity and need requires.

We publish a monthly report that provides the nursing staff levels on our wards on a daily, weekly and monthly basis as well as the report we have to send to NHS England. We follow guidance from NHS Improvement on the data we publish: Care hours per patient day (CHPPD): guidance for mental health and community trusts

You can download our reports and resources opposite.

We are not currently required to report at a national level on other professions, who also provide essential care and treatment on our wards, but our plan is to include this information in our report in the future.

Have you got a question about staffing levels?

For more information about staffing levels in our hospitals please contact our Director of Nursing and Practice on: 01392 208866, or email:

Find out more

For more information about staffing levels in the NHS, please visit NHS England.
