Dark Blue graphic with colour shaped stars with snowflakes in the background. Text reads Devon Partnership NHST Trust Pride of DPT 2024This year’s Pride of DPT awards ceremony will take place in the afternoon on Tuesday 3 December, at Exeter Racecourse, where we will be applauding our inspirational colleagues by recognising their outstanding accomplishments and celebrating their amazing achievements in the last year.

The awards give us the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate all the positive work happening every day across our organisation and wider with partners and to shine a light on those who have made an exceptional contribution to our organisation, our services and the people we care for.

We need your help

Nominations are now open and we need your help to highlight and nominate as many individuals and teams as possible in one of the categories below. We know that there is excellent care and work going on across the organisation and the awards are your opportunity to make sure that your work and those of others is recognised.

As well as welcoming nominations from our staff, assigned staff and volunteers, people who use our services, their families, carers and supporters and those from partner organisations are also welcome to nominate.

Please submit your nomination today or by the extended deadline of noon on Friday 23 August 2024

Who will you nominate?

We welcome nominations in the following six award categories:

  • Clinical Team of the Year - sponsored by Dr Fintan Larkin, Chief Medical Officer and Taps Mutakati, Chief Operating Officer
  • Non-clinical Team of the Year - sponsored by Laura Hobbs, Director of Corporate Affairs and Sonja Manton, Director of Strategy and Partnerships
  • Learner of the Year - sponsored by Liz Perry, Chief People Officer
  • Inspirational Colleague Award (clinical) - sponsored by Chris Burford, Director of Nursing and Professions
  • Inspirational Colleague Award (non-clinical) - sponsored by Aideen Tucker, Acting Chief Finance Officer
  • Together Award - sponsored by Phill Mantay, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

How to submit your nomination

Nominations have now closed

If you require further information, please email us at dpt.events@nhs.net