This award celebrates partnership working and its role in developing our organisation as a centre of excellence and expertise in mental health and learning disability.
Sponsored by Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance, Sarah Brampton.
For their collaborative work providing life skills to people using our services at Langdon, particularly in relation to money management.
Joanna is pictured above with Chief Executive Melanie Walker and Chair Julie Dent CBE. Barclays were unable to attend the ceremony.
Highly Commended:
For their partnership work to ensure the right skill base is deployed at the right time, ensuring people in residential and nursing home placements are supported in a holistic way and their wellbeing is maximised swiftly.
The team are pictured above with Chief Executive Melanie Walker and Chair Julie Dent CBE.
For their collaborative work with a person using our services and NHS Improvement, creating and producing a ‘shout out’ video supporting the launch of the new NHS Improvement standards for learning disabilities in England. They were one of only four teams nationally chosen to create a ‘shout out’.
Sue and Jo are pictured above with Chief Executive Melanie Walker and Chair Julie Dent CBE.