Inspiration Award

This award is for people who have inspired others to make our organisation a great place to work or delivered improvements to services for the benefit of those people who use them.

Sponsored by Director of Research and Development, Dr Peter Aitken.


  • Marie Ash

For her dedication to raising awareness about suicide prevention and being a kind and supportive person who never shies away from sharing her own story of mental illness and recovery - inspiring others to ‘own’ and share their personal stories.

Marie was unable to attend the ceremony to collect her award. 

Highly Commended:

  • Matthew Smith

For his dedication and passion in helping people who use our services at Langdon to access the world of music and teaching, not only musical talent, but life skills though meaningful activity which support people’s recovery. 

Matthew is pictured about with Chief Executive Melanie Walker and Chair Julie Dent CBE.

  • Ellie Schulz

For her passion about the development of staff and ensuring a team approach is always taken to complex situations – she inspires her team on a daily basis.

Ellie was unable to attend the ceremony to collect her award.