Improvement Award

Joint Winners

  • Pru Worthington and the Langdon Facilities Team
  • IT Team

Since Pru was appointed as Team Leader there have been consistent improvements in cleanliness standards at Langdon Hospital and a robust system has been established for regular monitoring of cleanliness.

The current satisfaction rates for our IT Team's new internal service desk system are at 99.1%. The team as a whole has undergone many changes to which they have responded fantastically and embraced everything with a can-do attitude.

Highly Commended

  • Helen Percival and Owain Freshwater
  • Helen Hanks

Helen and Owain have been described as the ‘dream team’, steering the ship of the Torbay Health and Wellbeing Hub in its infancy and credited for much of its success since it opened in January of this year.

Helen Hanks is the first Occupational Therapist to become a Ward Manager at Langdon. Appointed a couple of years ago, Helen has worked tirelessly to improve the experiences of both the people who use the service and staff.

This award was sponsored by Medical Director Dr Helen Smith and Programme Director for Transformation and Improvement, Helen England.